=== FOSSology system testing pre 220 === This summarises the system test outcome for a version prior to 2.2.0. ^ "Feature" to Test ^ System (Yes, No, Partial) ^ 2.2.0 Tests ^ Tester ^ Status | Agents |||| |Adj2Nest |=. N/A |include tests to verify results in db, DO NOT rely on return codes| Vincent|PASS, tested with manual UI and checked results in db | |Buckets |=. [[Bucket_Test_Cases|Yes]] | rum from command line | Larry |Pass | |.Copyright |=. "Partial":http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Copyright_Test_Cases | run from command line|Larry |PASS | |Delagent |=. "Partial":http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Delagent_Test_Cases |add tests to verify #1053, #1269, #3225, #3681 |Vincent |#1053 still not fix; Added functional tests for #1269 and #3225; #3681 test with manual UI tests | |Mimetype |=. | run from command line |Larry | PASS except #4725| |Nomos |=. "Yes":http://fossology.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fossology/trunk/fossology/src/nomos/agent_tests/testdata/ | manually test nomos w/new license test files |Bob | PASS (Non-urgent failed tests were deferred to 2.3.0) | |Package Agent |=. | run from command line |Larry | PASS| |Scheduler |=."Yes":http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Scheduler_Test_Cases | |Bob |PASS | |Ununpack |=. N/A - automated functional |add tests to verify results in db/repo, DO NOT rely on return codes|Vincent|PASS, test from command line and manual UI test, check results in db/repo | |Wget_Agent |=. N/A - automated functional |add tests to verify results in db/repo, DO NOT rely on return codes|Vincent|PASS except #4707, test from command line and manual UI test, check results in db/repo | |_\7.UI (Please perform tests using IE browser) | |BucketsDiff |=. [[Bucket_diff|Yes]] | |Mary/Larry |PASS | |NomosDiff |=. [[Nomos_diff|Yes]] | |Mary/Larry | PASS | |Homepage |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Homepage|Yes]] | |Mary |PASS | |Upload |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Upload|yes]] |test added to verify #1107; [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Upload|Step 22]],upload same package multiple times *FAILS*; #4335 Upload from server with wildcards *FAILS*|Mary/Larry| PASS (failed tests will be addressed in 2.3.0) | |Jobs |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Jobs|Yes]] | |Mary/Larry |PASS| |Search |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Search|Yes]] | tests added to verify #1221; Failed|Mary/Larry|PASS (failed test will be addressed in 2.3.0) | |Browse |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Browse|Yes]] | |Mary/Larry| PASS| |License Browse |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#License-Browse|Partial]] | preliminary tests created |Mary/Larry|PASS | |Organize |=. [[Basic_functional_Test_Cases#Organize|Yes]] |Scheduler dies when delete folder is requested, #4437 |Mary/Larry |PASS (failed test will be addressed in 2.3.0) | |User Permissions |=. [[User_Permissions|Yes]] | | Larry, Vincent |PASS(if new test cases are added, will test again.) | |Group Permissions |=. [[Group_Permissions|Create tests]] |add tests to verify new functionality |Larry, Vincent |First round testing using [[Perms|uses cases]]: PASS | |Upload Permissions |=. [[Upload_Permissions|Create tests]] |add tests to verify new functionality|Larry, Vincent|First round testing using [[Perms|uses cases]]: PASS | |Admin |=. [[Admin|Yes]] |#3393 |Mary|PASS | |Tagging |=. [[TaggingManualTests|Yes]] |tagging tests modified for changes in 2.2.0 |Mary (Larry) |PASS | |_\7.Libraries | |libfossagent |=. N/A - tested by agent/UI | | | PASS| |libfossrepo |=. N/A - tested by agent/UI | | |PASS | |libfossscheduler |=. N/A - tested by agent/UI | | | PASS | |libfossdb |=. N/A - tested by agent |=. N/A - tested by agent/UI | | | PASS | |libTestDB |=. | | | PASS | |fossconfig |=. |=. N/A - tested by agent/UI | || PASS | |sqlCopy |=. | | | | |repcopyin |=. | | | | |repremove |=. | | | | |_\7.Common UI modules | |common-active.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-agents.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-auth.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-cache.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-cli.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-buckets.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-compare.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-db.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | | PASS| |common-dir.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-folders.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-job.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-license-file.php |=. N/A - tested by UI |add test to verify #3939 | |PASS | |common-menu.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-parm.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-perms.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | | PASS| |common.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-pkg.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-plugin.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-repo.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-scheduler.php|=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-sysconfig.php|=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-tags.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |common-ui.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |bootstrap.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |libschema.php |=. N/A - tested by UI | | |PASS | |_\7.Other | |cp2foss |=. |#3987 FAIL |larry | PASS (failed test will be addressed in 2.3.0) | |dbcreate |=. | |fo-postinstall larry |PASS | |fossinit |=. | |fo-postinstall larry | PASS| |fossjobs |=. | |larry|PASS | |fo_cli |=. N/A - automated functional | | Bob |PASS | |fo-cleanold |=. N/A - automated functional | Mary: #3165,fo-cleanold overwrites /etc/cron.d/fossology with /etc/init.d/fossology | larry/Mary |PASS| |schema_export |=. N/A - automated functional | |larry |PASS| |fo_nomos_license_list| | | larry|PASS | |fo_copyright_list| | | larry| PASS| |RESTful UI for PTS |=. [[REST_Test_Cases|Yes]] | | larry(PTS upgrade?)| | |Source Install |=. "Yes":http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/Install_2_0#Installation-from-source | please test clusters, too| Vincent| Pass | |Package Install |=. [[Install_2_0|Yes]] tested in debian with 2.2.0 package, and migration test from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0 in rhel | |larry|PASS except #4713 #4719 #4707 | |Cluster Package Install |=. [[Install_2_0|Yes]] | |Vincent| Pass | |Package Purge |=. |FAIL #4731 |larry| PASS (failed test will be addressed in 2.3.0) | |Continuous Integration |=. "Yes":http://fonightly.usa.hp.com:8080 | | |PASS | |Migration 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 |=. [[Automation_Testing_Migration|Yes]] |need unit tests |Vincent/Larry |Passed on Rhel6 Debian6 Fedora17 Ubuntu12.04 | |Migration 2.1.1 -> 2.2.0 |=. [[Automation_Testing_Migration|Yes]] |need unit tests |Vincent/Larry |Passed on Debian6(squeeze) Rhel6 Ubuntu12.10 Fedora17 Ubuntu12.04 | |Cluster Testing |=. [[Automation_Testing_Cluster|Yes]] | | Vincent| Pass on 1host/1agent source install(svn6492) | | |Performance/Load |=. [[Automation_Testing_Performance_and_Load|Yes]] | | Mary |PASS | |Concurrent User (UI/DB)|=. | | | | |_\7.Dependency Certification | |PostgreSQL |=. N/A | | | | |Apache httpd |=. N/A | | | | |Glib |=. N/A | | | | |_\7.Documentation & Processes | | Postgresql support definition & process |=. N/A | | | | (initial creation: copied from Redmine wiki at 2016-05-20)