FOSSology System Testing for Version 3.1

“Feature” to Test System Test Relevant (Yes, No, Partial) Issues Tester Status (PASS/FAIL)
Adj2Nest N/A
Buckets Yes Bucket_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Delagent Yes Delagent_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Maintagent Yes Maintagent_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Mimetype Yes Mimetype_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Nomos Yes Nomos_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Package Agent Yes Mimetype_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Scheduler Yes Scheduler_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Ununpack Yes Ununpack_Test_Cases t.b.d. ?
Monk Yes - Need to add test cases t.b.d. ?
UI (Please perform tests using latest IE browser, firefox and chrome)
BucketsDiff Yes t.b.d. ?
NomosDiff Yes t.b.d. ?
Homepage Yes t.b.d. ?
Upload yes t.b.d. ?
Jobs Yes t.b.d. ?
Search Yes t.b.d. ?
Browse Yes t.b.d. ?
License Browse Partial t.b.d. ?
Organize Yes t.b.d. ?
Help Yes t.b.d. ?
User Permissions Yes t.b.d. ?
Group Permissions uses cases t.b.d. ?
Upload Permissions Yes Admin#Upload-Permissions t.b.d. ?
Admin Yes t.b.d. ?
Tagging Yes t.b.d. ?
fo_postinstall No - automated by CI
fo-installdeps No - automated by CI
cp2foss Yes t.b.d. ?
dbcreate No - automated by CI
fossinit No - automated by CI
fossjobs Yes t.b.d. ?
fo_cli No - automated by CI
fo-cleanold No - automated by CI
schema_export Yes t.b.d. ?
fo_nomos_license_list Yes - just execute? src/cli/ fo_nomos_license_list.php (yes, testing all the options - BobG) t.b.d. ?
fo_copyright_list Yes t.b.d. ?
RESTful UI Yes t.b.d. ?
Siteminder and Mail Yes t.b.d. ?
Source Install Yes Installation-from-source t.b.d. ?
Package Build No - automated by CI
Package Install No - automated by CI
Package Purge Yes t.b.d. ?
Continuous Integration No HP internal server
Migration 2.6 → 3.0 Yes Automation_Testing_Migration t.b.d. ? migration HP Input needed t.b.d. ?
Cluster Testing Yes HP Input needed t.b.d. ?
Performance/Load Yes t.b.d. ?
Git support No - presumeably not
Dependency Certification
PostgreSQL No - automated by CI
Apache httpd No - automated by CI
Glib No - automated by CI
Documentation & Processes
Post definition & process Definition of done with pull requests
Documentation for 3.0 check release notes